Monday, March 20, 2017

Disney Day 2

Our second day at Disney World was spent at Hollywood Studios, my favorite park of all. Hollywood Studio is the park that houses the majority of the Star Wars rides, memorabilia, and shows. Ever since I was little Star Wars has always been my favorite movie franchise and now that Disney owns the license, we Star Wars fans get to have Star Wars stuff at Disney parks. When we entered the park we were immediately stopped by a "parade" of Stormtroopers walking through the park as part of one of the shows. After the parade/show was over, we decided to get something to eat. The food at the restaurant we chose wasn't as good as the previous day's lunch but it was still good. After lunch we caught another Star Wars show that ran every hour. We walked through the park going on some rides and seeing some other shows the park had to offer. The day went by very quickly. Before I knew it, it was already dinner time. Dinner was at a 1950's style diner that was decorated like the inside of a house during that time period, it had a very cool, retro, feeling to it. After dinner the fireworks started, but we decided to skip the fireworks and take this time to get on line for one of the newer rides, Toy Story Mania. Due to the fact that everyone was watching the fireworks, the line for this was very short. After the ride, we went through a museum with original memorabilia from Walt Disney himself, as well as watch a short film about his life. We walked around the park until it was closing time. We got in the car and drove back home. 

majority: The greater number
memorabilia: memorable or noteworthy things.
franchise:a general title or concept used for creating or marketing a series of products, typically films or television shows.
retro:imitative of a style, fashion, or design from the recent past
parade: walk or march in public in a formal procession

Grammar Point

Verbs tell the reader what I am doing. Saying things like" I ate at the diner" or "I watched this show" use verbs to let the reader know what I was doing while at Hollywood Studios on this day.  The use of past tense allows the reader to know when something took place. Had I said "I eat at the diner" or "I watch this show" it would indicate that I am currently at the diner or am currently watching the show. When teaching ELLs they might not understand how to conjugate verb tenses because it might be different in their native languages. 

1 comment:

  1. Each day so far sounds like fun. What would you want your students to do with the past tense?
